The majority of donations are reported back to us from a brand within a few hours of purchase. On rare occasions you may not receive a donation for a purchase you have made, the main reasons for this are usually:
- You didn't accept cookies on the retailer website
- You purchased via the retailer app
- Order was cancelled
- An unauthorised voucher code was used, please only use vouchers codes that we have supplied
- A saved quote was used from a comparison site was used in purchase of insurance
- A product was purchased which a donation was not offered on
- You weren’t signed into an easyfundraising product
- You didn’t complete your purchase in one go. Saving your purchase to complete later may stop the brand reporting back a donation to us.
If you feel a purchase you made should have received a donation our Customer Support team are more than happy to chase this for you. Just complete our missing donation form with the purchase information from your brand confirmation email.
Other ways to phrase this question
How to raise a claim
How to put a claim in
Donations missing
Missing donation
How do I claim
I want to add a claim
How do I submit a claim
I paid and was given no credit
No donation