easyfundraising generates donations by recommending brands to our users. When you visit one of our recommended brands and make a purchase, we are awarded commission for sending you to them. This commission is then passed onto your cause in the form of a donation. You can read more about how this works here.
When a purchase is made, the donation will be given a status of Pending which means we have received notification of the donation from the brand you made the purchase with. The brand will then check the donation to ensure that everything is correct, and the order wasn't cancelled or returned.
During this process, the brand may decline or adjust the donation, causing the Total Raised to go down.
A donation was declined
The decision to approve or decline donations rests solely with the brands. Although we don't have the power to influence their decisions, we're more than happy to appeal any declined donations you believe are incorrect. To do this, go to your donation summary, click the arrow on the relevant donation, and press "Query Donation".
Why could a donation be declined?
A donation may get declined for a number of reasons, the most common are that a brand's terms and conditions were not met, the order was cancelled or a non-authorised voucher code was used.
Our Customer Support team are always happy to investigate any declined donations, just find the donation you want us to check in your Donation History, click the arrow next to the donation amount and then click on the button to Query Donation. Then just add the information that is requested and we will do the rest.
A donation was adjusted
During the checks mentioned above, the brand may adjust the donation total. Often brands will have multiple donation options (eg £3 for new customers, £1 for existing). When they check the transaction, if they think it's incorrect, they may adjust the donation amount to a different rate.
The decision to adjust donations rests solely with the brands. Although we don't have the power to influence their decisions, we're more than happy to appeal any adjusted donations you believe are incorrect. To do this, go to your donation summary, click the arrow on the relevant donation, and press "Query Donation".