To allow time for donations to be added automatically, easyfundraising will start to review a claim 14 days after the purchase was made with the brand.
The first step we complete is to make sure the purchase you made is eligible for a donation, if we're not sure we will send you a message to ask for more information.
If we find something that means your donation didn't meet the terms, we will let you know.
We work with affiliate networks to create the link between us and the brands that you shop with, if we can't see a reason why the donation hasn't been added, we will send the details to the affiliate network to ask them to investigate why the donation is outstanding.
It can take 90-120 days for us to get a response back from the affiliate network, if we get a reply to say that the donation should have been added then we will make sure it's applied to your account asap. If they unfortunately say that it wasn't approved then we will let you know why.
You can view the status of you claims in the Claims History view on your account.